Theatro is a hub where innovation, relationship and culture come together at the service of the designer.

Theatro is a neutral, non-profit entity available to designers and companies to help them facilitate connections and interaction, without obligations or constraints.

The three pillars of Theatro’s modus operandi are: 

  • Meet: as a meeting place.
  • Think: as a space for thought, design and development.
  • Build: as an opportunity to build relationships and projects together.


Leading companies


Themed clusters


Unique direction

Theatro coordinates a network of 28 leading companies in the building envelope, plant engineering, wellness & outdoor and interior design sectors in order to provide integrated support to designers, simplifying and optimising their work and reducing time, risks and costs.

3,000 square meters in the heart of Brianza, a short distance from the city of Milan, at the service of the designer.

A space that includes a technical and design office area, finishing Libraries, a stalls for events with 300 seats, Backstage, Scenography, an outdoor area and the Build gallery.

Finishing Libraries
The Build Gallery
Outdoor Area
Hall and cafe lounge

Reduced time and costs

Reduced time and costs

Connecting customers and companies

Connecting customers and companies

Management of critical issues

Management of critical issues

Skills enhancement

Skills enhancement

Visibility and direct promotion

Visibility and direct promotion

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